Matt Mullenweg on Open Source, WordPress, Being a “Billionaire” and More

Interview between Matt Mullenweg and Blake Bertuccelli-Booth

Matt Mullenweg is, to my mind, an internet statesman. He not only leads WordPress, the publishing platform that powers over 40% of the internet, but he is also driven to make all digital communication and e-commerce more democratic and community-led through his unwavering commitment to Open Source principles.

I sat down to discuss what motivates Matt and where he sees himself. Our wide-ranging interview covered movement building, the implications of being a billionaire, and the benefits of Open Source.

For those who don’t know, Open Source is about promoting collaboration and transparency in software development, where the source code is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This radical transparency allows projects like my own, Equalify, to benefit from community-driven improvements and widespread accessibility, ensuring that the software evolves through collective effort and shared knowledge.

I came to Open Source through WordPress, and that experience inspired my professional pursuit to make the internet accessible through Equalify. Beyond having deep gratitude for Matt’s work with WordPress, a platform that sustained my livelihood for over a decade, I deeply respect Matt’s approachable business style and his desire to pay it forward.

In the spirit of paying it forward, I hope you get something out of this video and feel inspired to contribute to the Open Source community, just as Matt’s work has inspired me.

Please add any comments to this post!

This is my first blog post in a long time, and I’m always looking to publish with more purpose.

With Love from New Orleans,
Blake Bertuccelli-Booth

One response to “Matt Mullenweg on Open Source, WordPress, Being a “Billionaire” and More”

  1. Matt Avatar

    Thanks for a great conversation!


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